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Mixed Media (Reboot) full day workshop

A full day workshop for improvers & advanced

Workshop Details

The mixed media reboot workshop is designed for you and your artwork to progress further. You will gain more confidence in developing and improving your own style of mixed media rather than replicating others in theirs. It is suitable for those who have some experience and have already explored how different principles and media can work together. You will need to bring some work that has been started; either as a stand alone piece or within a journal, something you may consider unfinished, or that you just cannot decide what your next steps would be on it to make it less flat or more exciting. You will explore how to revisit your art piece less critically and consider how to add texture, more contrast, rip/stitch bits on/in/out, explore mediums you may not have used previously or simply add a focal point or an aperture. You will have time to discuss and analyse art pieces with myself and likeminded creatives before identifying and exploring enhancement possibilities; adding to or quietening areas focusing on the contrast, bringing in a focal point that's more prominent, or by adding details and layers to make it more interesting/satisfying/pleasing personally. Various equipment, materials and techniques allowing for a more textured/layered outcome will be offered, suggested and/or demonstrated depending on your original artwork and will differ between participants so that you will be be guided to enjoy personalised techniques to suit your style or artwork. This is a valuable opportunity to work alongside others who may have more experience in different areas of mixed media than your own to watch and chat to as well as working with Floss on a more individual level. This is a full day (5.5hrs) workshop Hot and cold drinks are included but you will need to bring a packed lunch with you. All abilities are very welcome but mixed media experience this time is necessary. All materials are included and techniques revisited are demonstrated where needed. Please wear old clothes as printing and gluing can be messy. Aprons are provided; or you can bring your own if you'd prefer. I look forward to working alongside you in the workshop, Floss x This workshop is an adults session for ages from 17 years up...if the workshop does not fall on a day that is convenient to you, please do get in touch and I will try to schedule a different day for a following month. I work 6-8 weeks ahead when scheduling classes.

Upcoming Sessions (in the next 31 days)

65 British pounds
Danecroft Place

Cancellation Policy

Cancellation Policy. You must contact flossWORKSHOPart at least 48 hours in advance should you need to cancel your booking. This will enable you to reschedule your session. It will also allow others to have the opportunity to take your space at short notice using resources I will have prepared. Thank you in advance for your understanding.

Contact Details


Discounts and Scheduled Dates 

If the workshop does not fall on a day or a time that is convenient to you, please do get in touch and I will try to schedule something helpful in in the following months. ​

If you wish to book all six spaces at once please email me for a 15% discount code before booking. No discount can be applied after a booking has been made.

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